Are You Suffering From Anxiety? We Might Be Able To Help in Winnebago IL

Are You Suffering From Anxiety?
We Might Be Able To Help in Winnebago IL

Chiropractic Winnebago IL Anxeity

Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in the number of people we are seeing with anxiety in Winnebago IL. It usually is not the primary reason they have chosen to seek chiropractic care, but commonly it is mentioned as we are talking. One of the things we have noticed is there seems to be a physical component to anxiety. Most people think of it just as an emotional problem, and therefore one they just need to "think away."

As we do our physical exam, most people with anxiety have very similar physical patterns. We usually find pinched and irritated nerves in their upper/mid back. These are the nerves that control all of the muscles in the mid back, shoulders and chest. They also control the lungs and heart. The irritation to these nerves can cause many of the common symptoms of anxiety such as chest pain/tightness, chest and throat pressure. It also can cause increased heart rate, breathing rate and bold pressure.

We hear from many of you how anxiety can make your life very difficult. We love to hear your stories of how getting regular chiropractic care and improving your diet has made you less anxious. Below is a great article showing some of the research about anxiety.

Please pass this on if someone you know is dealing with anxiety.

From the American Chiropractic Association:

If you're dealing with depression and/or anxiety, chiropractic care may help. Generally speaking, chiropractic care involves a mind-body approach that favors adjusting physical symptoms in order to improve mental ones. A chiropractor is well-equipped to take a holistic approach to your mental health, looking at all possible ways to make you feel better.

New studies now back up the effectiveness of chiropractic care in relieving certain mental health symptoms. For many, chiropractic may be a natural, affordable care option for improving quality of life for patients with depression and/or anxiety. Let's look specifically at how chiropractic care is proven to help.

Symptoms of anxiety and depression in Winnebago IL

Over 40 million adults in the United States will face mental illness every year. While anxiety disorders are the most common, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Symptoms are unique to each patient, but common physical impacts of anxiety and depression include:

  • Fatigue or inability to sleep
  • Muscle tension and stiffness
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Aches and pains throughout the body
  • Inability to relax

These physical symptoms can exacerbate mental symptoms and make anxiety and/or depression harder to live with. Luckily, chiropractic care is uniquely positioned to relieve these physical symptoms.

Let's take a closer look at how chiropractic care can help patients with mental health disorders.

1. Aims for a mind-body approach

In general, chiropractic care aims to find the right balance between your mind and body. A chiropractor will do this by looking at all health areas, including adjustments, therapies, exercise, diet and supplements. When it comes to chiropractic care, no stone goes unturned. Even small changes, such as incorporating omega-3 into your diet, may have a positive impact on anxiety symptoms.

2. Lowers your blood pressure

Several studies support the idea that chiropractic care and massage therapy can reduce blood pressure and stress symptoms. High blood pressure is a common symptom of anxiety and/or stress. Researchers found that blood pressure was reduced after both chiropractic sessions and massage therapy. One study even saw results after only 15 minutes of workplace massage therapy. This shows that chiropractic care can reduce anxiety and stress symptoms, and help patients with mental health issues feel more stable.

3. Promotes an all-natural solution without side effects

One of the best benefits of chiropractic care is that it's all-natural. Patients taking anxiety and depression medication often complain of the side effects, which include insomnia, nausea, weight gain and fatigue. Chiropractic care works to reduce anxiety symptoms, so you can potentially avoid taking medication and dealing with its side effects. (Don't change or stop medication without the approval of your doctor.)

4. Adjusts your spine to trigger positive hormones

Spinal health influences almost every region of your body. Studies show that after getting a chiropractic adjustment, your body triggers an increase in hormones such as neurotensin, oxytocin, and cortisol. These hormones are involved in positive nervous system functioning, such as:

  • Neurotensin: neutralizes stress-induced pain
  • Oxytocin: boosts neuro-communication and feelings of social bonding
  • Cortisol: blocks pain deriving from inflammation

As you can imagine, spinal adjustment can have a positive impact by triggering these hormones throughout your body.

5. Helps you get to sleep

Insomnia is also a symptom of anxiety and/or depression. With chiropractic care, you may find getting to sleep a little easier. Studies reports that some chiropractic adjustments may improve patient sleep patterns. Massage therapy also has seen good results. In addition, breast cancer patients found significant relief from insomnia after massage therapy. If you're struggling with fatigue and insomnia, chiropractic care and/or massage therapy may help.

6. Relieves tension, stiffness and headaches

Patients with anxiety and/or depression also suffer from muscular tension. Chiropractic care can aid in reducing tension and stiffness. In addition, it can help relieve pain related to tension headaches, as many patients who live with mental health disorders also suffer from migraines. This kind of relief can have a big impact on those with anxiety and/or depression by removing these painful symptoms. Generally speaking, chiropractic care and massage therapy can also help reduce pain in patients with mental health diagnoses.

7. Encourages relaxation

Last but not least, chiropractic care helps relax patients. The atmosphere of a chiropractic session can make the patient feel less stressed and his/her muscles more relaxed. Studies that measure electrical activity in muscles found that after a chiropractic adjustment, muscle activity was reduced by 25%. This is great evidence of relaxation during a chiropractic session. This kind of relaxation can really help patients suffering from stress and tension as a result of anxiety and/or depression.

Overall, chiropractic care can have a positive impact on patients' mental health. Besides proven research, there have been many anecdotal case studies about the role of chiropractic care on anxiety and depression. These preliminary reports suggest there are even more benefits of chiropractic care on mental health symptoms.


8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Freedlund Family Chiropractic & Nutrition

506 N Elida St
Winnebago, IL 61088

(815) 335-1381