Benefits Of Good Posture in Winnebago IL

Benefits Of Good Posture in Winnebago IL

Chiropractic Winnebago IL Posture

We have probably all heard our mothers say "sit up straight, keep your shoulders back." Guess what? She was right. Your posture does matter. Not just to your physical health in Winnebago IL, but to your emotional health. Have you ever noticed that when someone is depressed, they have their shoulders slumped and they have their head dropped?

  • Increase Confidence Good posture, whether sitting or standing, gives your own self-confidence a decidedly big boost. It makes you feel better about yourself because you are handling your body in the proper way. Studies have shown that there is legitimate psychological benefits behind improved posture in the way of increasing confidence.
  • Produce Power Yes, it sounds strange, but it's true. Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist and Associate Professor at Harvard Business School, has been featured on TED talks and spoken worldwide on this very topic: that your posture affects your power. Striking a pose of confidence and power immediately gives you more of exactly that-power. These power poses help in test taking, interviews, relationships, and work productivity.
  • Boost Energy With increased confidence and power, naturally comes increased energy and mood. Before reaching for that fourth cup of coffee when you hit your afternoon energy slump, try sitting up straight or taking a short walk around the office with shoulders back and head up. You may find that one of the many good posture health benefits is an increased supply of energy.
  • Reduce Stress Studies have shown that one of the health benefits of good posture is a considerable reduction in stress levels. This is the result of physiological as well as psychological effects that good posture produces. With improved confidence, power, and mood, comes a reduced state of stress. But the mind is not the only benefactor of the reduced stress. Your body also experiences a lessened strain on the spine, back, neck, and shoulders as you improve your posture.
  • Increase Oxygen Levels When the body is properly aligned (ie good posture), blood flows easily carrying a greater supply of oxygen to every organ of the body. One of the many good posture health benefits that you can experience is an increased level of oxygen to all parts of the body. This will inevitably help the function of all body organs, but specifically benefits your brain. Increased oxygen can greatly help your mental function and capacity.
  • Eliminate Joint and Back Pain While you may have had a vague suspicion that good posture could help your back pain, you may not realize how much until you give it a try. Those with joint and back pain, report a considerable decrease in pain levels when they begin practicing good posture. Sometimes this can come almost immediately.

Let us help you improve your posture. When you are adjusted it improves the communication from your brain to your joints and muscles. This reduces muscles spasm and allows you to have better posture.

Good Posture in Winnebago IL:

  • Keeps bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly.
  • Helps decrease the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces.
  • Decreases the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together.
  • Prevents the spine from becoming fixed in abnormal positions.
  • Prevents fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy.
  • Prevents backache and muscular pain.
  • Contributes to a good appearance.


8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Freedlund Family Chiropractic & Nutrition

506 N Elida St
Winnebago, IL 61088

(815) 335-1381